Teeth cleaning should be a part of everyone’s regular health appointments. It maintains oral hygiene by scraping off any plaque buildup, followed by professional dental brushing, flossing, polishing, and a fluoride rinse to prevent the occurrence of cavities and decay. If you are looking for teeth cleaning in Coral Springs, FL, get in touch with founder and award-winning dentist Dr. Alexander Gruenberg, who offers a spectrum of dental services at Drill Dental Bar.
A dental hygienist, guided by a small mirror, uses a scaler to scrape plaque and tartar from your teeth and gums physically. The scaling is followed by brushing, flossing, and rinsing with a medical-grade mouthwash. This standard or maintenance teeth cleaning session is scheduled every four to six months. At Drill Dental, we also offer deep cleaning options in addition to this maintenance cleaning.
In deep cleaning, in addition to the scaling of the visible part of the teeth, the plaque and tartar are also removed from below the gum line, known as root planning. For this type of cleaning, patients might need a local anesthetic. After deep cleaning, the gums might bleed and be sore for a few days. Eventually, they should heal and attach back to the roots and teeth, improving overall mouth health.
The first step in getting a teeth cleaning is to contact our patient concierge at Drill Dental Bar to schedule your first dental exam and teeth cleaning. Patients should prioritize this, as oral health and hygiene can also impact cardiac health. Once you schedule your first appointment, you will be guaranteed X-rays, a dental exam, and a dental cleaning.
The best candidates for teeth cleaning in Coral Springs, FL, will be patients who want to maintain oral hygiene and prevent further dental costs. Some characteristics of ideal candidates include:
Our clients who have received teeth cleaning in Coral Springs, FL, have shared their improved oral hygiene and health. More benefits are listed below:
On the day of your teeth cleaning in Coral Springs, you will be received by the staff at Drill Dental Bar, who will get you comfortable in your dental chair. If this is your first visit, a tech will take your X-rays before the cleaning.
After the X-rays, the dental hygienist will do a quick initial oral examination using a small mirror, tapping on your teeth and rinsing them with cold water to check your sensitivity to factors like pressure and temperature. If they notice anything, they will pass it on to the dentist for the dental check-up later. A hygienist must also do an exam to make sure that your mouth is healthy enough for teeth cleaning.
Once they are sure you are good to go for a cleaning, the dental hygienist will begin by removing plaque and its harder form, tartar, using a special tool called a scaler. They will physically scrape off the plaque, and it will feel like someone is scratching your teeth. After that, they will use a gritty tooth polish and a motorized brush to polish your teeth. Finally, they will floss your teeth and have you rinse with a medical-grade mouthwash to coat your teeth with fluoride and prevent cavities.
If this isn’t your maintenance cleaning, the dentist will follow up with a dentist’s final check-up to ensure they are healthy. If they find a cavity or other issue, you will return later to address that.
Drill Dental Bar should be your go-to dentist for your teeth cleaning in Coral Springs, FL. Drill Dental is led by award-winning, innovative dentist Dr. Alex Gruenberg, who specializes in researching and applying the newest and most comprehensive cosmetic dental treatments and devices. Furthermore, not only is Drill Dental Bar in the network for most U.S. insurances, but we also offer membership rates and a flexible payment plan, should you need one.
Dr. Alex Gruenberg is the youngest dentist in the U.S. to own two Yomi robots, the first FDA-cleared robotic device for dental implant surgery. By optimizing position accuracy, the robot reduces patient pain and inconvenience. Further, Dr. Gruenberg uses the aesthetically superior BioTemps® laser dentistry for pain-free gum contouring, with an on-site dental technician for support. If you seek the most advanced cosmetic dentistry with top-of-the-line patient care, Dr. Gruenberg’s Miami, Boca Raton, and Coral Springs practices are your destination. Don’t delay the days of your radiant smile; schedule your consultation today!
Our Boca Raton teeth cleaning patients find that our services greatly benefit their lives, by providing a healthier smile, better oral hygiene, and better breath! Contact us today to schedule your first appointment!